I have just made a submission on the Clean Energy Finance Corporation design to the Expert Review Panel with the help of the 100% Renewables web page.
All you do is copy one of the three Word documents on the 100% Renewables web page, amend the wording to suit what you want to say and insert your name, then email it to the email these addresses:
cefc@treasury.gov.au, greg.combet.mp@aph.gov.au, Wayne.Swan.MP@aph.gov.au, Tony.Abbott.MP@aph.gov.au, J.Hockey.MP@aph.gov.au, Andrew.Robb.MP@aph.gov.au, Greg.Hunt.MP@aph.gov.au, Peter.Garrett.MP@aph.gov.au
with a blind copy to <info@100percent.org.au>
The cut off date for submissions is 8th December, 2011, so get those fingers typing!
As Jill, one of our members says, “Be Active, Be Vocal!”